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Was It Worth It?

What a crybaby. 

I don’t expect much from public servants… but I do expect better than this.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is considering resigning. 

Not because of a policy disagreement… or for the good of his country… not even for unspecified “personal reasons.”

No, he’s resigning because people are mean to him. 

He’s canceling all public appearances until April 29 while he considers his options and pouts like a spoiled toddler because all of those meanies hurt his precious wittle feelings. 

I cannot believe this B.S.!

Perhaps, Mr. Sanchez, if you’re sensitive and can’t handle public criticism, you shouldn’t run for public office? 

Or, once in office, perhaps you could have used your time a little more sensibly so that all those meanies don’t attack you? 

Spain has struggled to get back on its feet ever since its epic property bust in 2008 and the sovereign debt crisis that followed. And yet, what was poor old Sanchez’s top priority upon becoming prime minister in 2018? 

Relocating the body of a man who’s been dead since 1975, of course! 

Rather than making an effort to get the Spanish economy back on track… or working to heal the rift from the Catalan secession crisis… or pursue any number of policies, good or bad… the big baby decided to dig up the body of Francisco Franco, the dictator who ruled the country from 1936 to 1975, and move it to a different cemetery. 

Because that mattered!? 

Sanchez also pardoned the leaders of the illegal Catalan independence movement last year after swearing to the country that they would serve their full prison terms…

Why did he do this?

Because he needed their votes.

And the icing on the cake – the reason for his decision to sit in the corner and pout – is that his wife is now under investigation for influence peddling.

Here’s a thought, Mr. Sanchez. If you want your voters to stop being a bunch of meanies… maybe you should be a little less terrible at your job … maybe your wife shouldn’t be using her position to curry favors… and maybe you should grow thicker skin. 

In his musings on X (formally Twitter), Sanchez asked “Is all of this worth it?”

The answer, of course, is absolutely not. 

An Express Train to National Ruin

In today’s political climate, if George Washington himself were to come back from the dead and serve another term, his efforts would be utterly futile given the congressional clown show he’d be working with. And don’t forget about the institutional deadweight from the Federal Reserve. 

Is it any wonder that the quality of presidential candidates has hit new all-time lows? If nothing changes, come November we’re going to have our choice of two incompetent retreads, one of whom first ran for president in 1988… and the other one is currently on trial for falsifying business records to hide a tryst with a porn star. 

We could be forgiven for placing our faith in some new, untested candidate, as silly and naive as that might be. However unlikely, a new candidate could hypothetically break the cycle of dependence on borrowed money and manipulated interest rates. It’s at least a metaphysical possibility in an academic sense. But in Donald Trump or Joe Biden, we already know what we’re getting – and it’s an express train to national ruin!

Let us not forget that the Trump administration added more to our national debt than any administration in history… right up until the Biden administration immediately broke its record. And neither of these men has any intention of returning this country to fiscal sanity. 

Of course, we may be reminiscing nostalgically about both of these geriatric grifters if my Freeport Society friend Louis Navellier is right and a “shadow” candidate ends up winning the election in November. 

I sat down with Louis recently to discuss the possibility of the shadow candidate we believe is waiting in the wings. His appearance and likely successful bid for president will hasten this country’s financial ruin. 

You can watch our discussion here to find out who we’re talking about, why we’re so worried about his looming appearance on the presidential trail… and what we’re doing to help investors prepare.

We have three options here:

  1. Shake our head in dismay at the asininity of the political class…
  2. Bury our heads in the sand and ignore it… or worse, buy into the rhetoric…
  3. Or take a stand to protect our wealth – even grow it – during this Age of Chaos.

Personally, I choose the third option. As a Freeport Navigator reader, I know you do too.

Now, let’s look at what else we discussed this week…

Bye-Bye Greenback

It is no longer a case of if the dollar will die… but when. In an essay from Freeport Society friend Brandon Smith, he corroborates and substantiates our warnings of hedging against dollar weakness. Dive in here and read why this is a crucial time to own physical metals like gold and silver.

How My Boldest Call Quickly Became Quaint

We need to be tactical. With rate hikes now in the conversation, my original call for no rate cuts until after the November election is becoming more likely. But there’s still a lot more chaos going on. No matter the candidate, be prepared for taxes to rise. Read Wednesday’s article here.

Class Dismissed: College Is Done

Campus unrest is the worst it’s been since the Vietnam War era. But colleges have much bigger problems. A major Baby Bust is underway and it’s going to change the face of society. Read on for the details.

Looking Ahead

Next week is a big one for the markets. On Wednesday, May 1, the Federal Reserve holds its meeting. This is the one that investors have been waiting for. Until recently, they believed the Fed would be introducing its first rate cut in many months. Now, folks are hoping it won’t introduce a rate hike.

I’m expecting we’ll see fireworks on Wednesday. That’s why I recorded the Election Shock Summit video… to help you prepare for what’s going to unfold in a few days time. It’s not too late to get ready. Start by watching this video.

To life, liberty, and the pursuit of wealth.