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Free Minds, Free Speech, Free Markets

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Free Minds, Free Speech, Free Markets

These are the things that made America the greatest country in history. These are the ideals The Freeport Society embodies and espouses. These are what members will leverage to grow their portfolios and preserve their freedom.

The Freeport Navigator

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Don’t get Corzined!

There’s something to be said about keeping some money OUT of the system. But to actually put your money to work for you, you have to take the risks and play the game. That doesn’t mean you need to be reckless. You need to take steps to protect yourself against the Corzines out there.

The Sun Rises… the Sun Sets… and the Debt Load Grows

The tech sector is a good leading indicator of election outcomes. It favors democratic administrations, so if its gaining ground, it indicates investors believe a Democrat could win the election. If it’s sliding, they’re pricing in a Republican victory. But, does any of it actually matter?

It’s Once Again Come Down to MAD

Our government has managed to borrow $35 trillion, and a lot of that debt is held by foreign central banks… including China’s. And in case you hadn’t noticed, relations between the U.S. and China haven’t exactly been friendly in recent years. China could cripple the US economy by dumping its massive stockpile of U.S. Treasuries…

First Unelected President Since Gerald Ford?

President Joe Biden has bowed out of the election race, putting Kamala Harris in the limelight for the Democrats to consider. They don’t have long to think about it. So how can we invest in this chaos?

[Video Edition] Why Biden Doesn’t Want to Step Down

In this first video edition of The Freeport Navigator, we chat to Louis Navellier about the significant shift in the presidential election… why President Joe Biden is fighting to stay in the race… and the hottest investment to make right now.

Special Report

Report cover reading 5 Unapologetically Profitable Stocks for 2024: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Wealth

5 Unapologetically Profitable Stocks for 2024

By Charles Sizemore

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Wealth