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Happy Labor Day… But Don’t Forget the Other Side of the Workforce Coin

Our offices are closed today in celebration of Labor Day. 

But I’ll let you in on a little secret… 

While I’ll never say no to a day out of the office, I always make sure to do at least a little work on Labor Day. Call it my little act of rebellion. 

You see, it’s always bothered me that we have a day to celebrate labor yet not a day to celebrate the entrepreneurs who employ them. 

Nothing against the working man, of course. The men and women who get up every morning and slog through long hours for a paycheck deserve respect. They have a job to do, and they do it. 

But they wouldn’t have that job if it weren’t for the entrepreneurs who put it all on the line and fought tooth and nail to make their enterprises a success capable of hiring everyone else.

So, by all means, celebrate the working man today. But let’s also take a minute to celebrate every risk taker who bare-knuckled their way through sleepless nights… who wrote that business plan on their kitchen table or fulfilled that first order out of their garage… who slept in their car while hustling from town to town… who summoned the courage to bluff their way through those first critical meetings when they were in over their head… who did the work of 10 people to get their dream off the ground and had the endurance and willpower to see it through to completion. 

Let’s celebrate the entrepreneurs that made America the source of unlimited wealth and opportunity it is today… who overcame the weight of inertia, challenged the status quo, and refused to take no for an answer. 

That’s a Labor Day I can celebrate. 

To life, liberty, and the pursuit of wealth.