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The Freeport Navigator

The Freeport Navigator

AI’s Exponential Progress Is About to Hit Light Speed

AI is the epitome of exponential progress. But it’s advancing so fast that far too many people are simply underestimating what’s about to hit us. The technology is nearing a tipping point, where it will suddenly shift into something powerful… and investors ready now could see handsome rewards…

The Freeport Navigator

The Value of “Alternatives” in This Age of Chaos

A mint-condition ball signed by Ruth can easily trade for $30,000 or more. A mint-condition baseball signed by Ruth’s entire 1927 Yankees team could be worth much more. As John Pangere explains, collectable could be excellent candidates for alternative investments, which are particularly important to have in your portfolio as we navigate this Age of Chaos.

The Freeport Navigator

[Weekend Roundup] Walz’s Economic Tightrope

It’s officially no longer a race between tortoise and hare. You can now feel the energy exuding from Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and most of the Democratic party. It’s almost as if they actually want to win. We’ve spilt plenty of ink already comparing the policies of Trump and Harris. Let’s now take a look at their respective running mates.