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Michael Gayed

Michael Gayed

Publisher, The Lead-Lag Report

Michael A. Gayed is the Publisher of The Lead-Lag Report, a market research service that provides risk signals, high yield ideas, macro observations, and more. 

He’s the author of five award-winning research papers on market anomalies and investing, and is Portfolio Manager of the ATAC Fund Family. 

Michael was an active contributor to MarketWatch for a number of years and has been interviewed on CNBC, Bloomberg Television, and Fox Business, as well as at WSJ Live, for his unique approach to interpreting market movements.

Michael earned his Bachelor’s of Science degree with a double major in Finance andManagement at NYU Stern School of Business. 

He became a CFA Charterholder in 2008.

To learn more about Michael and The Lead-Lag Report, click here.

Michael’s publications and investment research services include:

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