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Eric Fry

Eric Fry

Global Macro Specialist

Eric Fry’s unique “macro” approach is what powers his analysis. By looking for big-picture trends that drive huge, multiyear moves in entire sectors of the market, he is able to extract and exploit the moneymaking opportunities a regular Wall Streeter would miss.

Latest from Eric Fry

The Freeport Navigator

AI’s Exponential Progress Is About to Hit Light Speed

AI is the epitome of exponential progress. But it’s advancing so fast that far too many people are simply underestimating what’s about to hit us. The technology is nearing a tipping point, where it will suddenly shift into something powerful… and investors ready now could see handsome rewards…

The Freeport Navigator

Phase 2 of the AI Boom: The Next Trillion-Dollar Stock

Most investors believe they’ve missed out on the investment opportunities that arose during the AI Boom. They needed worry. What we’ve seen so far was only the first wave of AI. Now, we’re starting the second way, and investors have a new chance at investing profitably. Here’s how…