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The Freeport Navigator

An Energy Crisis… an Investment Opportunity

After years of underinvestment (and lack of planning), exacerbated by major environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disincentives, we may be looking at a bona fide energy crisis ahead. But, as our Freeport Society friend John Pangere points out, this energy crisis is also a fantastic energy opportunity… if you know where to look.

The Freeport Navigator

[Weekend Roundup] Sweeping the Chaos Under the Rug

A look at the markets would fool most people into believing that everything was rosy with the American economy… if they didn’t actually live in the real world. We are deep in the Age of Chaos… and only getting deeper… while the mainstream media and markets look the other way.

The Freeport Navigator

Phase 2 of the AI Boom: The Next Trillion-Dollar Stock

Most investors believe they’ve missed out on the investment opportunities that arose during the AI Boom. They needed worry. What we’ve seen so far was only the first wave of AI. Now, we’re starting the second way, and investors have a new chance at investing profitably. Here’s how…

The Freeport Navigator

The Insidious Demise of Your Standard of Living

The average worker has to work about 20% longer to buy a Big Mac today than in the 1980s. And houses, education, and the basic necessities that used to define middle-class living are all vastly more expensive. What happened? More importantly, what happens next?

The Freeport Navigator

The AI Renaissance in America’s “Forgotten” Region

Every AI company that has reached a $1 trillion market cap has showered its investors with wealth-building opportunities. Our Freeport Society friend and Global Macro specialist Eric Fry believes he has found the next one. It’s a company that’s using a new application of AI and he believes it will revolutionize a $13.1 trillion industry.