Charles’ note: What’s the best way to build wealth in 2025?
At The Freeport Society, we typically cover stocks, bonds, crypto, commodities, and trading.
But as you’ll learn today, investing in real estate – especially in high-growth locations around the world – could top them all.
Ronan McMahon has been hunting for the world’s most profitable real estate deals for more than two decades. He owns properties on multiple continents. He spends roughly half the year on the road scouting for deals for members of his real estate investing club, Real Estate Trend Alert.
He’s also a member of our Expert Network.
Hedge funds use Expert Networks for deep-dive research and actionable insights in niche sectors and asset classes. Made up of industry leaders and seasoned professionals, they provide an edge everyday investors can’t match – until now.
Each of the experts in our growing network has decades of experience building wealth for themselves as well as their subscribers.
They’re here to give you and your fellow Freeport Society readers access to the same level of research, insights, and recommendations professional investors tap into.
And we couldn’t be happier to have Ronan on board.
So, pay special attention to today’s insight. And make sure to stick around to the end. He reveals his No. 1 destination for overseas real estate profits. You’ll also have the chance to access Ronan’s top ranked countries for 2025.
The Best Real Estate Opportunity in the World Today
By Ronan McMahon, Editor, Real Estate Trend Alert
Ronan McMahon here – your Freeport Society overseas real estate scout.
I’m delighted to be part of the Freeport team, along with Charles Sizemore, Louis Navellier, and the other members of our growing Expert Network.
I’ve been hunting down and investing in real estate deals around the world for more than two decades.
My whole life – and virtually my whole portfolio – is real estate.
I own almost no stocks, no gold, and no crypto. I have no rare coins or cellars full of fine wines.
Unlike Louis, who I know is an avid collector, I have no classic cars.
And unlike Charles’s inlaws, I don’t own any prize winning Peruvian paso horses.
Instead, I own income-producing properties around the world.
I put my boots on the ground all over the world… or toes in the sand, depending on where I am.
Go forth. Find opportunity. That’s my mission.
Buying best-in-class real estate in fast-growing markets for less than what others pay is the best way I know to grow rich.
If you’re willing to look beyond your home borders, you can have your cake and eat it – low risk and huge upside.
It’s an idea that’s made sense to me for so long that I sometimes forget it’s not obvious to everyone.
So, why should you join me and invest in real estate overseas?
Let me give you the reasons… and a bit of history.
There’s Always an Opportunity Somewhere
In 2008, during the Global Financial Crisis, many of my friends were in a panic.
Their retirement savings were being wiped out as stocks crashed.
I was by the beach in Northeast Brazil buying condos with a 1% down-payment at launch – the equivalent of just $736.
The weekend I bought my condo, the whole condo community sold out.
Having made some more payments along the way, I later sold for a gross profit of $43,500.
At the time, Northeast Brazil was undergoing a massive transformation. There was no financial crisis there. The region was booming as an emerging logistics, tourism, and manufacturing hotspot with a strong agricultural hinterland.
In the U.S. and Europe, banks collapsed, pensions evaporated, and real estate markets plunged.
I remember watching news footage in my hotel room of teary-eyed bank employees carrying their belongings out of abandoned offices in boxes. Then I went back to bringing “double your money” deals to members of my newly founded real estate investors group. (More on this later…)
That’s the most important reason to invest in international real estate. There’s always opportunity somewhere when you look everywhere.
For example, a few years before the 2008 crisis, I sold some of my property in Ireland, where I’m from.
During the “Celtic Tiger” boom, values there had risen to a level that made no sense. Between 1997 and 2007, prices for new houses jumped by more than 200%. (And no, that’s not a misplaced zero.)
Already-built homes saw a 280% increase.
I made a killing when I sold. And I invested the profits in Panama, where there was a major transformation underway.
My friends and family thought I was crazy investing overseas. But by doing so, I didn’t just protect my gains, I increased them. I made a gross profit of more than $72,000 in one deal in Panama.
Not so crazy, after all…
But why not just invest in real estate at home?
Biggest Upside for the Lowest Risk
It’s hard to see much upside in most North American real estate markets.
They’re highly leveraged and expensive relative to incomes. They’re also susceptible to rising interest rates… especially with inflation still an issue.
Instead, I look to invest in places where I can see a decade-plus of growth. Markets where, even in times of global crisis, we can still do well.
I’m not hunting for any old opportunity. I’m focused only on the best – the ones with the biggest upside for the lowest risk.
Every now and then you get lucky, and those opportunities are in your backyard. Mostly though, you need to open your mind… get out there… look internationally… and start having some fun.
There are four reasons why it’s worth doing…
1. You can profit as your properties rise in value – When you look overseas, you open yourself to bigger opportunities… and bigger potential gains. Over the past 16 years I’ve been sharing deals with members of my real estate investment group, Real Estate Trend Alert (RETA). I’ve given them the opportunity to double their money in a few short years and see rapid five-figure, and even six-figure, gains.
2. Overseas real estate is a great diversifier – When you invest in real estate, you diversify your portfolio. When you invest in overseas real estate you go a step further, because you reduce your exposure to your home market. If the U.S. goes into a recession, history tells us the stock market AND real estate there will fall. But as my Brazilian experience shows, if you find the right location and the right deal, you can make money while others are losing their shirts.
3. You get to travel the world – There’s nothing sweeter than traveling the world for fun and profit. I’ve been doing it for decades, and I’ll never tire of exploring and scouting. When I’m not on the hunt for new opportunities I stay at one of my homes around the world. I enjoy average temperatures of 80℉ during the winter in Cabo. (That’s where you’ll find me now.) In spring and fall I often stay at my beachfront condo on Portugal’s Silver Coast. In summer, I spend time in Ireland when the days are long and balmy. With international real estate, you can build a life of freedom and adventure.
4. You can earn rental income along the way – I rent out some of my homes when I’m not using them. With my Cabo condo, I earn $3,000 a month from a long-term renter who’s happy to work around my return dates. (I could earn more. But my personal use is non-negotiable.) That’s an annualized gross yield of about 11%. I bought my condo in Portugal as a lifestyle play, and I didn’t expect much income outside peak summer months. Last year, though, it earned me more than €24,000 ($24,774) in short-term rental income, for a gross yield of about 8%. And with some of the deals I’ve shared with my RETA real estate investing group, we’ve seen yields of as much as 20%.
In short, investing in overseas real estate is a great way to make a lot of money and become financially free.
I got to ride big transformations in Ireland, Panama, Portugal, Cabo, Mexico’s Riviera Maya, Costa Rica, and beyond. And I’m constantly scouting for new opportunities…
That brings me to a little town in northern Portugal – Caminha.
A Little Town in Portugal…
Caminha is a small town at the mouth of the river that divides northern Portugal from northern Spain.
And it’s the top-ranked destination in my global real estate index for 2025.
I scored destinations across 10 categories – from Relative Value and Climate to Quality of Life, Holding Costs, International Appeal, Availability of Finance, and more.
It’s designed to help you pinpoint your perfect overseas destination. And it features maps, videos, and detailed introductions and analysis on all 25 destinations I cover on my beat.
(You can find out how to access it at the end of this email. Or if you’re ready to dive in, go here now to learn more.)
As I mentioned, the No. 1 location on this year’s index is Caminha.

The picturesque town of Caminha in northern Portugal
Located at the mouth of the Minho River, which separates Portugal from Spain, this picturesque town has a long and rich history.
Walk its cobblestoned lanes and alleys, and you’ll see constant reminders of its heritage – from the 15th-century Igreja Matriz de Caminha church to the 13th-century Torre do Relogio clocktower, which stands watch over the town’s main plaza.
But Caminha today feels modern and upmarket. There are art galleries, boutique hotels, fine-dining restaurants, and wine bars.
And outside town you have lagoon and Atlantic beaches, beautiful countryside, and excellent hiking. It’s an idyllic setting, which is why Caminha scores a 9 for Quality of Life in my index
Caminha has so much to offer. But like other towns and cities in the far north of Portugal, it’s overlooked and undervalued…

Caminha is close to Portugal’s northern border with Spain
Here, in what I call Portugal’s “undiscovered north,” you’ll find all the elements that make more popular destinations to the south so appealing – delicious food… soft-sand beaches… and rich history and culture. Plus, you have amazing, temperate weather.
But these destinations are virtually unknown to foreign tourists, expats, and second homeowners. So, real estate prices there are astonishingly low in comparison to popular coastal destinations to the south. This is why Caminha scores a perfect 10 in Relative Value.
Soon, tourists and expats will discover this region. When that happens, prices will soar.
But for now, we have an opportunity to get in while prices are still low.
It’s as though we have a time machine and can step back to the Algarve region 30 years ago… or the Silver Coast region between Lisbon and Porto 20 years ago… before the explosion in tourist numbers and real estate prices.
I’m not waiting around…
The Best Real Estate Opportunity in the World Today
I recently bought a historic mansion in Caminha.
I have a garden where I can see waves crashing on two beaches – one in Portugal, the other in Spain.
Inside, it’s furnished with original pieces that came from Brazil with the first owners at the end of the 1800s.
The home spans about 5,000 square feet. But I got it for about €410,000 (about $423,000). That’s just $90 (about $93) per square foot!
That’s the insane value you can find here.
There were other advantages to buying here, too.
Financing is readily available to non-resident foreign buyers. I got a 25-year mortgage with a 5-year fixed rate at just 2.9%. Also, my yearly property tax bill will be no more than €320 ($331)… a tiny sum for such a large property.
This undiscovered north of Portugal represents the best real estate investment opportunity in the world today. The moment is now!
And if Portugal isn’t your thing… that’s fine.
There are always spectacular real estate opportunities to find somewhere.
The problem is that “somewhere” isn’t your hometown, your county, or your state. It isn’t even usually your home country.
You must look beyond…
By thinking and acting internationally, you can benefit from big transformational events like the ones I’ve described. You can get ahead of the biggest trends in the world and buy the right real estate to profit from those trends.
That’s why, here at Freeport Navigator, I’ll be coming to you with opportunities I find out there in the world.
It’s my passion to share a clear way to profit from the most spectacular opportunities in international real estate today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life.
Common sense and some savings (not necessarily a whole lot of money) will get you started. You don’t need any foreign languages, you don’t need to travel, heck, you don’t even need to leave your living room…
We’re going to follow big unstoppable trends. Then we’ll position ourselves ahead of these big unstoppable trends.
I’ll find the right location… the right real estate… at the right price. And I always make a point of doing business with the right people.
I put boots on the ground. I get in on the ground floor. And I have made a lot of money doing it.
You can, too.
Ronan McMahon
Editor, Real Estate Trend Alert
P.S. Look out for more from me on my 2025 real estate index in these pages next week. As a Freeport Society member, I’ll be sharing with you some of the highlights from that.
The full 2025 index is available only to members of my RETA group. It’s a 20,000-word report featuring maps, videos, and detailed introductions and analysis on all 25 destinations I cover on my beat.
And as a RETA member, you won’t just get our index. You’ll also get access to our member-only deals.
Using RETA’s group-buying power, I negotiate exclusive off-market deals on best-in-class real estate in some of the world’s most desirable destinations.
That means RETA members get lower prices than anyone else will pay, and before anyone else has a chance to act, too. Learn more here.