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[Weekly Roundup] Convention Contrasts… and Election Forecasts

This is the 2024 presidential election… where two cockroaches (literally, the indestructible bugs) just predicted a Kamala Harris win for this November 5.

Apparently, they have accurately predicted the outcomes of 84% of presidential elections.


Like we do with government statistics, we’re going to take these roaches’ forecast with a large grain of salt..

Rather, let’s consider the tale of two very different parties we’ve witnessed to date… 

The Republican National Convention opted for a more traditional, restrained approach… 

The Democratic National Convention decided to go big or go home. 

Their guest list included celebrities, chart-topping musicians, even social media influencers – all creating a spectacle that was hard to ignore. 

Democrats clearly do glitz well, but all the star power in the world can’t prevent the election shock we foresee just ahead. 

While this year has been a sterling example of the Age of Chaos we all find ourselves in,, Charles has been on a hot streak, nailing his forecasts consistently. Check it out…

  • Last December, he said Joe Biden wouldn’t stay in the running for president… 
  • He said Biden would be replaced by a Golden State liberal who would turn America into California…
  • He said the Fed would prove more stubborn on cutting rates than investors believed… 
  • He even offered subscribers to his trading service – Freeport Alpha – a nearly guaranteed election year pick that went on to deliver double-digit gains in months. 

In light of this uncanny prescience, Charles’s warning of a new election shock on the horizon is something we want to pay attention to. He’s going to share more about this next week, so please watch your inbox closely.

In the meantime, let’s look back on what happened this week at The Freeport Navigator

AI’s Exponential Progress Is About to Hit Light Speed

AI is progressing at a rapid rate, and we’re about to hit a tipping point. Soon, AIs will be able to train themselves. To learn more about the investments opportunities here, continue reading.

How AI Could Lead to the “Death of the Spirit”

What’s the difference between Calhoun’s “Garden of Eden” mice experiment and AGI? Very little, it seems. Click here to learn more.

“What’s a Jackson Hole?”

What do black holes and Jackson Hole have in common? The Federal Reserve held its annual conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, where they show us a thing or two about being dense. To read Charles’s take on why this meeting matters and what it could entail, click here.

Looking Ahead

There are now just 73 days until Election Day. And while Harris’s speech on the last night of the DNC might’ve firmed up her position in the race, the economic hurdles aren’t going away any time soon. 

Here’s the big question: Can she effectively tackle these crises?

Next week alone, we’ll get updates on the S&P Case-Shiller home price index in 20 cities, initial jobless claims, and consumer confidence. These are numbers on a page that will indicate the financial health of American families. 

With issues like inflation, housing affordability, and job security still looming, voters will be needing more than tough talk. They want to see concrete plans executed. And no one’s seen those yet.

Look, we don’t have any hope in Donald Trump succeeding any more than Harris. We think both candidates are wholly unsuitable and incapable of doing the dirty work that this country needs.

It’s up to the voting population. 

Time will tell, but we expect there are many surprises in store for us all.

To life, liberty, and the pursuit of wealth.