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AI’s Exponential Progress Is About to Hit Light Speed

Senior Managing Editor’s Note: AI is the epitome of exponential progress. But it’s advancing so fast that far too many people are simply underestimating what’s about to hit us. 

That’s why our Freeport Society friend and Global Macro Specialist Eric Fry is putting together a special presentation on how to position yourself for the approaching reality of artificial general intelligence (AGI). While AGI will bring wildly unpredictable change, there will be ways to prepare for – and profit from – its emergence. 

He’ll share more details during his The Road to AGI Summit scheduled for Thursday, August 22 at 1 p.m. Eastern

Considering exponential progress is one of the themes we invest in here at The Freeport Society, I strongly urge you to listen to what Eric will be sharing later this week.

Click here to see all the details and save your seat for The Road to AGI Summit.

During Eric’s presentation, he is going to deliver a “future proof” blueprint and reveal the name of his #1 stock pick for The Road to AGI

Of course, Eric’s macro insights on navigating the rapidly evolving tech landscape are invaluable to any investor, so to give you a taste of Thursday’s presentation, we invited him here to share everything you need to know about AGI. 

– Teresa B.

Cars are full of robust AI systems… 

Your phone is a palm-sized AI computer… 

Google Search is like a colossal AI brain. 

If you shop on Amazon (AMZN) or watch movies on Netflix (NFLX), you’re interacting with AI. 

And, of course, ChatGPT is the most well-known pure consumer AI system out there right now.

The companies that have been at the forefront of deploying AI – like Alphabet (GOOG), Amazon, and Microsoft (MSFT) – continue to pour cash into it. This year alone, these companies will invest about $200 billion in data centers, hardware, and other technologies required to deploy AI models.

But what most folks don’t know is that this type of AI is known as Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), or “weak” AI.

Now guess what?

Thanks to the exponential rate at which AI is improving, we’re barreling toward a tipping point that will utterly change the game.

That point is known as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), or “strong” AI.

What’s the difference?

“Weak” AI needs us to prompt the technology into action… but AGI won’t

AGI is beyond anything most of us have ever dreamed of. It’s not a faster horse-and-buggy situation, or even a leap from horse-and-buggy to automobile. It’s like going from a horse-and-buggy directly to time travel.

To better understand the difference between these two types of AI systems, imagine a pocket calculator… 

From Crawling to Flying…

Until you punch numbers into the calculator, it just sits there with a blank screen. 

Now, imagine looking at that calculator… but it’s already turned on and operating completely on its own. It has self determined what problems it needs to solve and is performing millions of calculations per second. 

It’s not waiting for you to tell it what to do anymore. 

It’s determining the problems and the solutions. 

This calculator – as fantastical as it sounds – has gained free will (or at least something close to it).

That is AGI. 

AGI is when the AIs start coding themselves, when AIs start training each other… and when humans no longer have any idea how or why AIs are doing what they’re doing to achieve their goals.

That sounds scary… 

We’re not talking Skynet level free-will and intelligence here. Rather, it’s about the technology being able to calculate beyond the original human input.

This makes AGI very exciting because it can identify problems and create solutions we might never even think of. 

This is how the world may become virtually unrecognizable in anywhere from two to five years. According to Elon Musk, an AGI breakthrough could surpass human intelligence by the end of 2025.

Those who understand and embrace these changes are setting themselves up to build wealth on a larger scale than ever before. We could be entering into the greatest period of wealth creation that mankind has ever known — all because of AGI. 

That is why, during The Road to AGI Summit, I’m going to share my No. 1 stock idea for investing in AGI, for free. It’s a fast-growing startup with virtually limitless potential on the Road to AGI. Join me on Thursday at 1 p.m. Eastern to get all the details on that stock idea.

In addition to talking about the unprecedented opportunities AGI presents to investors, I’ll share…

How Wall Street is currently asleep at the wheel on the cusp of AGI’s revolutionary advance…

I’ll give you an exclusive peek into Big Tech’s secretive frontier AI labs…

And I’ll reveal my “futureproof” blueprint for a world of rapidly accelerating AI…

This event isn’t just about tech predictions. It’s about futureproofing yourself in a new world where AGI could create immense wealth for early adopters while transforming society in ways we can barely imagine.

I’ll provide all the details during my free The Road to AGI Summit event on Thursday, August 22, at 1 p.m. Eastern time

So make sure you click here to register for my FREE event next Thursday at1 p.m. Eastern.

You won’t want to miss it.