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July 2024

The Freeport Navigator

The Surprising Play Within the Deglobalization Trend

Deglobalization is a major, durable trend for the remainder of this decade and likely far beyond. But even in a world of higher tariffs, less free trade, and more protectionism, international trade doesn’t go to zero. That means there are still investment opportunities to find…

The Freeport Navigator

Happy Fourth of July!

Today is the Fourth of July – America’s Independence Day.  On this day in 1776, the Second Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, “officially” severing our ties with the British crown.  Of course, declaring independence didn’t make us independent any more than me declaring myself to be as rich as Jeff Bezos would make

The Freeport Navigator

Might as Well Make Money Off of Them

Figuratively speaking, Eddie has mainlined himself into the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission channel that makes these reports public. Recently, he uncovered several interesting transactions in some stocks you wouldn’t normally associate one particular politician with…