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Well, Isn’t That Ironic?

It’s a holiday weekend. If you celebrate Easter – in whatever way or for whatever reason – I wish you a happy day tomorrow. 

My kids are doomed to the cycle of chocolate addiction I developed at their age. They’ll be hunting for treats from the Easter Bunny on Sunday morning. Then I’ll spend the rest of the day trying to hide away from the sugar-crazed lunatics I created. 

What are your plans for Easter, if you have any? I’d love to hear, so please share at [email protected]

Because you may already be in long weekend mode… or preparing for Easter Sunday, I’ll keep refrain from producing a missive today. Instead, I’ll opt for a short and sweet note.

Four events or highlights caught my eye this week more than the rest. 

One. The collapse of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge on Tuesday morning. Our deepest condolences to the families of those lost or injured in that tragic accident.

Two. Truth Social going public – which Charles discussed yesterday. It immediately put into my head the Alanis Morrissette song Ironic. Do you remember that one?

An old man turned 98

He won the lottery and died the next day

It’s a black fly in your Chardonnay

It’s a death row pardon two minutes too late

And isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?

It’s like rain on your wedding day

It’s a free ride when you’ve already paid

It’s the good advice that you just didn’t take

And who would’ve thought, it figures

Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly

He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye

He waited his whole damn life to take that flight

And as the plane crashed down, he thought

“Well, isn’t this nice?”

Be sure to read Charles’ take on trading or investing in Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. (DJT).

Three. Japan’s aging population is a disaster in slow motion. The Japanese diaper company Oji Holdings announced that it will stop producing for babies domestically and will make adult versions instead. 

Four. The arrival of RFK Jr. on the presidential election scene. Rumor on the street is that he has a good chance of seriously disrupting the Trump-Biden power struggle. Still, there is another presidential possibility that could reveal himself only in August. Freeport Society friendnLouis Navellier reveals his name in this video presentation.

Come to think of it, maybe I’ll be hiding from the crazed world tomorrow… when my sugar addled kids would look like little angels compared to the insanity around us right now. Do yourself a favor, find safety from the Chaos by reviewing what we covered this week in The Freeport Navigator

What Kills the U.S. Empire

Inflation and war… war and inflation. Evil and stupid. Fool and knave.  They follow patterns too. Does that mean every powerful nation is doomed to self-destruction. Find the answer here.

[Video] War Is Peace… Freedom Is Slavery… Ignorance Is Strength

In the first 231 words of his infamous book, Orwell terrifies readers. Yet today, we’re moving inexorably closer to that dystopian future. What’s the latest development? Start here.

Trading the Trump Meme Stock

Donald Trump’s Truth Social is now a publicly-traded stock following its merger with a SPAC earlier this week. Does that mean it’s worth investing in or trading? And if you do, what pitfalls should you consider? Here are the answers.

Looking Ahead

Next week, Charles is paying particularly close attention to the treasury auctions scheduled for Monday and Tuesday. These will give us a snapshot of the market’s appetite for U.S. debt, which is still growing at a shocking rate.

Also, Federal Reserve governors have a busy week ahead, with several scheduled to talk. 

And, it’s a heavy economic data week, with numbers coming in for construction spending, manufacturing, employment, and unemployment. 

As the first quarter of 2024 draws to a close, with markets at giddy levels, it’ll be interesting to watch how these numbers affect investors next week.

We’ll be watching and ready to guide you every step of the way.

To life, liberty, and the pursuit of wealth.